How to

use the freebox...

The simplest form of the freebox is to just be there and offer an area for exchange. People put objects in they don‘t need anymore and other people take them. No direct reciprocation is intended, which means the person who takes doesn‘t have to put something back.

In addition there is a number of possibilities how to more actively use the freebox for example in a school:
  • to pass on items with a view to encourage repurposing ( ie turning something old in to something new and in so doing, encouraging people to learn new skills, such as sewing or woodwork perhaps).
  • to use for specific themed recycling collection events – such as collecting unwanted spectacles
  • to collect specific items with a view to using those things in creative projects. Instructions for these projects can be found here on the blog and all over the internet.
  • Use it as a starting point for a discussion in class. Talk about recycling, the throw-away-society, the kids‘ attitude towards these topics and their ideas for changes. 

create your own freebox...

If you are enthusiastic about the idea and want to create a freebox in your surrounding (could be anywhere: working place, school, sport club, neighborhood centre, student halls, ...), I am more than happy to give you some advice:

  1. find a good spot: eg an entrance hall or lunch room, where people walk past on a regular basis
  2. ask for permission: if you are not in charge of the area, it is always better to ask. Explain the idea and benefits of the freebox and I can't imagine anybody rejecting your request.
  3. put up the box: it can be a shelf, a table, anything available
  4. put up a sign: you can download and print this one or create your own. It should contain the basic information, so that people who have never heard of the concept before will know what to do.
  5. put something in the box: it's better if you start off with a few things rather than leave an empty box for people who are unsure anyway.
  6. spread the word! Tell your colleagues/neighbours/whoever might be involved, send an email to everybody, put up a poster, shout it out loud :). Maybe create a facebook page, where you can upload images of interesting objects in the freebox to keep up the interest.
  7. keep it neat and tidy: have a look once in a while how your freebox looks. If the stuff is lying around all over the place, tidy it up. Put the books straight, the china together and dry old flowers away. If the freebox looks like a dump, it will be treated like one. And that's not what we want.
  8. have fun with it!

If you have any queries or feedback, please contact me here.


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